I have made sure I have a match on action as well as some slow motion clips; all of these show that I have developed my editing skills from my prelim task.
As well as the obvious techniques I have edited my voiceover to make sure that it is clear and fit to the specific video clip, in addition to this I have muted the sound in the clips to make sure that any diegetic sound that I didn't want was not heard. I have also had to change the level of the background music whilst my voice over is on to make sure that it can be heard.
Finally I have had to create my title and end credits, this was the most difficult and time consuming part of creating my short film. As I decided to have images from my protagonists past I had to scan them onto the computer before uploading them onto iMovie, I then had to edit them to make them look crisp and that the photo didn't look old and would work on the film. Some of the images were of different sizes so I decided that I would use kens burns to make them all of the same size at the end. I also made them all of the same length so that it ran smoothly together. I then added the final image of her now and put the title across this. The only problem that I had with this was that I to try and use the same writing for the end credits however I created the title credits on final cut pro and they had different fonts than iMovie so I had to change the font at the end however it is not as different as I thought.
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