I decided that the first thing that I must do was to have a look at all of my different videos and upload them all to my computer so they are saved and then I can look through them and get rid of the ones that are not up to standard and are maybe bloopers, it will then allow me to work with the ones that I have left and I can then put them in order. I find it best to put the shots in chronological order first before cropping and cutting them as it is harder to try and find the shot that you want within another 100 videos. This will be the first thing that I will do and then I can go onto edit them together. I have all together about 60 videos which I will try to add in the short film, even just some small snippets from each one because they have taken time to try and shot.
The next thing that I will do will be cutting them together and finding which parts will be best to use as well as looking at which ones would work well together, whilst I edit these I will jot down notes on what I need to do with the individual shots as they may need different colouring or sound effects. After I have cut them I can then go onto putting the transitions between them all. I don't want anything that is too extravagant like the 3d rectangle or arrows etc, I want to try and use only the natural ones that I can then blog about in my editing log.

Lastly I will have to look back through my editing and check if everything looks clean and if it all makes sense. After getting peoples opinions and feedback I can go back through it and change the parts that need tweaking and look through other videos that I could use instead.
As there are only 30 days on my trial I will have to try and do all of the editing within that time and make sure that when it is finished there is nothing to change.
I will start the trial on the 1st of december as I had already completed some of the beginning on the macs at school so I thought that this would be a very good time to do it. As there is a school holiday I have plenty of time at home to get the short film finished.
1st december - Look through all of the footage and delete the things that I will not need
3rd december- Put all of the footage in chronological order
4th december- Edit some of the clips together
6th december- Edit the rest of the clips and start colour correcting
7th december- Try to make sure the transitions are clean
9th decmber- Start looking at music and the different sound effects within final cut pro
10th december- Add the music to the clips that I have already
13th december- make sure that all of the titles and footage has been edited together correctly
15th december- Look at the final footage and ask some feedback from what I have done
17th-30th december- Look back and do any editing that I need to complete to make it the best that it can be!!
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