Monday, 3 November 2014

Organisation of actors, costume and props, locations

I need to think in detail about the different costumes and props that I will use, the locations that I need to study and perform a REECE on also I need to organise my actors.

I decided to use my actor that I used for my as media, she was very helpful and said that I could use her house as well which was easy to get too as it is 5 minutes away from school and my house. It was ideal for my short film as it is located at the front of the house and so I can film outside on to the street. Also I needed her to have a small room as it allows the audience to see how she is isolated and lonely, the small room however is difficult to film and the lighting makes it harder to try and get the continuity editing correct.

The different locations make it easy to film as they are all close together so organising it will allow me to look at the different locations in detail and see if they are ok to film. As Noel my actor lives 5 minutes away from the park near school it could be easy to film there and I know that other students from school have used that location so I will be able to use the park. The only thing about this is that I will have to do a detailed health and safety check on the park and other people could be there at the same time which would make it harder to film. I will not use any other locations as it is about a student in a confined space so filming in a lot of locations will not make the story clear.

I talked to my actor to see what times I could film her, before I started we made a timetable however she recently got a job so every time I can film I have to check with her first as otherwise I will turn up and she will not be there. When I have media lessons she has free lessons so I have quite a lot of free time to film.

As she is alone the costume has to be quite casual and maybe even slobby. Her hair will always be up, her face will have no makeup because she does not have anybody to impress. During the dream scene I might get her all dressed up with her hair down and her make up done as she is dreaming about her favourite things and how she wants to be. The other girl who she sees could be dressed in her clothes as a child in the photos or something similar. I have had difficulty trying to get the costumes to be the same for the continuity as Noel has sometimes not got the clothes that we have had before so she has worn something different, I have got around this by her falling asleep so the clothes can be different. 

I have not got a lot of props in mind as there is nothing that I need to have ideally because she is stuck in her bed room. I will probably have a laptop, a book and things that a normal girl will have to keep her occupied. 

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