Wednesday 12 November 2014

Different types of Short film

Although there are various genres of short films sometimes they are made to show a certain incident or event that occurred, or to establish a particular story or thoughts.

  • Romance (plots that follow the focus of passion, lust and emotion, usually allows the audience to follow the characters journey for love)
  • Comedy (light hearted dramas and can sometimes be humorously dark but are used to make the audience laugh)
  • Sci-Fi (often set in futuristic environments that show advances in technology and special effects)
  • Drama (often portrays real life situations and based on real people and often used to show humans in their best and worst light)
  • Animation (the use of stop motion cinematography or hand drawn to tell a story of any kind)
  • Horror (created to scare and terrify the audience)
  • Documentary (non fictional, factual works which are mainly narrative based)
  • Film noir (is not specifically a genre but rather the mood, style, point of view and tone of a film)
  • Action (designed for audience escapism and often have fight scenes, stunts and continuous action that is fast paced due to editing techniques)
  • Historical (based on past events)

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