Research into film posters
I have chosen a few posters in which I will research the different ideas behind them. Some are students work and some are professional short films however they all work well and it will hopefully give me some inspiration behind my own. I have already completed two textual analysis on a conventional and non conventional short film posters however I need to do some more research behind the ideas of short films and how the stereotypical features of the posters work well and how the different features could work with my short film.
Purge is a professional short film directed by Brad Kammlah, struggling to mask the pain from years of sexual abuse, Joy finds herself trapped in a secret addiction. But when her mother refuses to believe the truth about her father, Joy tries her own way out.
The short film won multiple awards including Best dramatic short film and three awards for the best actress.
The poster for this short film to me works well with the synopsis of the film as I have yet to watch it however to me it looks quite amateur. The font doesn't really stand out for me as the film is about a girl who has been struggling for sexual abuse so I find that it could be bigger. Also the bill block could be bigger as well, for the amount of awards they have won and the directors name being on the front it must be well adapted and produced so I would have thought that the manes could be bigger. I like the white as it represents her innocence however the background that it is on makes some of it hard to read. The title of the film is good as Purge means that they get rid of their impurities and that is obviously what she is trying to do in the film. I think the picture works but it is not the best as I think it looks like an a level students work because of the blur in the background, the green in the background as well looks as though it is grass and the story is about how she is trapped in a building. Overall I like the effect that it has given me but I don't think I will use anything like this. As I have already chosen my picture which is of her face the eyes are the most important especially as the title is about her eyes, I feel as though this poster is showing her eyes most so that is the only thing that I will probably use from this poster.
Frankie is a short film that was written and directed by Mike Pappa, when a watch repair man acquires an antique pocket watch that can control time, he decides to use it to achieve his dreams. His plans soon become sinister when he learns he isn't the only one with the knowledge of the pocket watch.
The poster for this short film is animated and it shows another way of creating a poster. I will probably not be doing this as I can not draw however it is good to get some research about the other ways of how people are creating film posters. This is one of my favourite posters that I have seen because they have especially paid attention to detail. The shadow of the man works as the two hands of the clock which I think is very clever because the story is about a pocket watch, also the fact that he is looking at his watch signifies how the storyline is about this. I like how the bill block is at the bottom of the page so there is more emphasis on the photo, however I am not very keen on the font because it is too spaced out. There could also be some space between the title because it looks as though that could be someones name who has taken part or helped the short film. Overall the colours are very effective because the black in the background allows the audience to look at the the main elements more. Also the geometrical lines allows the picture to look like the hands of the clock.
Saturday is a short film about the Hillsborough disaster that took place on April 15th 1989. Mike Forshaw who is an independent filmmaker from Liverpool needed to receive some money to make this so he tried to persuade companies and individuals to donate and he managed to get over £25,000 to make this short film. It has been chosen out of thousands of films to be shown at the Sundance festival. Therefore creating a short film about a situation or an event that people can all remember is very popular. He created this short film on his perspective of that day and his documentation of his feelings and his own memory. This short film was finished this year however because the event has been in the press recently they have not yet allowed anyone to see it.
The poster is one of my favourites as it is so simple but yet very effective, the two boys in the different football shirts which have been placed backwards from the date of the disaster. The lad who has turned around is significant to all of the people who watched the event unfold, also not being on the location that you would expect makes it look as though it is very thought provoking and the two boys shows the innocence at the young age. Having a small line about the events makes it easy for people to understand what it is about and gains some viewers. Overall I like the fact they have thought about the fact that the image represents how the short film will make you feel.
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