Here is my textual analysis for a short film poster, my textual analysis will include what conventional and non-conventional factors that they have used and follow, the different elements to the poster and how well they have adapted the conventions to make a well produced short film poster. What I will get out of this is the things that I will want to include and how I could possibly take some small ideas form them to make a poster that will be easy on the eye and show the film on an a4 page. The poster that I have decided to analyse is The Blue Umbrella which is a Disney Pixar short film that I first watched before Monsters Inc. This short film stuck in my head as I had never seen a short film before and therefore when it came to analysing a short film poster I straightaway decided to look at this in detail. I also wanted to look at non-conventional posters so I could get a range of ideas for my own poster. Although I am not going to create an animated short film I still wanted to look at a poster that has been created by a well established production company. When I scrolled though google images this instantly caught my eye even though I didn't realise that it was the short film that I had already watched, the simplistic look that it has really interested me as it is an idea that I had, also as there is no image of the actual characters from the film intrigues me more which I would like to do however in my case I don't think I would be able to do that as it will be hard to understand what the film is about. In addition because this is an animated company who have very specific and professional equipment to make it I don't think that my poster will look amateur compared to this.
Firstly I am going to look at is the title of the short film. A conventional feature length film will normally have the title in big, bold letters with a font that goes well with the film and has been used in most of their other merchandise and advertisements. However as this is a non-conventional poster they have not followed the stereotypical features of the title. 'The blue umbrella' has used two different fonts in their title to make it more detailed and engage the audience, The first is of a sans serif font which makes it more personal and relaxed, the only thing with this is that it is very small and therefore does not make much sense as a convention is that the tile is normally of a same size. The second font is very straight and conveys the handles of an umbrella. One of the things that annoys me about this title is that they have not used any capital letters which makes it less professional but goes with the young nature of pixar. The title being in the top right corner makes it less important but I think that they wanted it this way so you can look at the picture and this makes more sense. The fact that the words are under each other makes it seem that the umbrella is covering someone. I do like this title however I will not use this as I believe that it has to be bigger and in capitals. To make it better I think that the word blue could have been in a blue colour.

Secondly the main picture that takes up the most of the page is non conventional. It catches your eye as it is the first thing that you look at and it obviously shows what the film is about with the two umbrellas in the two different colours. As it is not of a picture of a person it makes it more engaging for the audience and makes it more intriguing, the array of umbrellas on the poster makes it diverse as it shows how different they are. The 14 umbrellas on the front page are all unique and portrays the different characters who own the umbrellas, from some being modern to some being old, they are all black apart from the main two characters. The two coloured umbrellas pop out because they are both different shapes and because they are leaning in instantly draws you in to that part of the poster. I like the idea of just two umbrellas being a colour because it adds some dimension and also gives the audience an idea of what the film is about. Even though the film is an animated one the umbrellas are drawn but not in cartoon form to give it a feel for a more adult audience. The background is a coffee colour so it adds a bit more detail to the poster, this is one thing that I think I will add to my poster as it makes it look professional. In addition it makes it look old which overall I like because the animated movie is obviously very modern as it is animated.
The next thing that I am going to talk about is the bill block at the bottom of the page, you can't really call it a bill BLOCK as it is only one line maybe because it is a short film so not a lot of people are in it. Also the film is silent with nobody talking therefore you can't really put the names of the voices at the bottom or the famous actresses. They work as a team to create it so it would not be fair to put only the main people who have worked on the film as many people have created it. It goes along with the font of the title as it is sans serif and very small, they have also not put in it capitals which is just like the title. The reason that it is on the bottom of the page and in the middle is because it is important and the audience who watch it would want to know who created it. In a normal poster for a feature length film there are many different names of actresses/actors, the production team and the main people who have worked on it, this allows the audience members to see what sort of film it will be and already create an idea weather it will be good or not. I will be adding a bill block at the bottom of my page as it is a conventional feature on a poster and I believe that it will make it look more like a film poster than an advert.
They have not put any other information on the poster like a tagline or a release date probably because the film is silent so a tagline would not really work. Also because the short film was released at the same time of the pixar film Monsters Inc they didn't really need to publicise it as they will not go and especially buys ticket to watch a short film.
Finally I have added the short film so you can see what it includes and how the poster has worked with the film. The short film is easy to watch and is enjoyable, hopefully the music that I use will be just as entertaining and people will enjoy my short film just as much as this one, although it is a pixar production.
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