Thursday, 23 October 2014

Raw footage

This is my raw footage for my short film which I have uploaded to youtube, I will look at it in detail and bullet point what parts I ideally need to change and what things I like and will keep the same.
As this is only the raw footage I have not edited it together yet, just put the clips in chronological order so it will help me for when it comes to editing, therefore it might not make a lot of sense. 

Things I need to change:

  • The beginning part with the photos needs some work with the editing. As I wanted to make it look as though it is a photo montage, when I looked at the different photo montages in films they were edited together really well as they portrayed the feel of a slideshow. I feel as though my film is quite static and when I add some music over the top I will have to look and see whether it changes.
  • I will have to speed up the photos as well as they are a bit small.
  • I need to think of a title to put in the space that I have.
  • I must mute the beginning part and maybe see if I can make it lighter as it is hard to see.
  • Think about putting a voice over on it.
  • Look at the different editing that I could use

Things I will keep the same:

  • The boarder around the photos at the beginning.
  • The photo of the main protagonist 
  • Where the title will go
  • The low angle
  • The eye line match of the almond

I do need to change quite a lot of this as it still looks quite messy and I will have to add more dialogue and clips to allow the story to come across. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with all your thoughts- this is still pretty rough and you need to make it more engaging for the audience.
