help me understand how to make a short film as well as come up with an idea.
Firstly a conflict either big or small- Having a conflict allows the audience to engage with the storyline, it allows the short film to be more interesting.
An anecdote that you have heard- I think it will be interesting if the story is based on something that you have heard as it will be more realistic. It will be easier as you will not have to make up a storyline as it will be something that you already know. You will just have to adapt it to make it longer.
Something that has happened to you, possibly amplified, signified or exaggerated- This will be easier than anything else as again you won't have to think of another idea and can just use something that you already know.
A generic film including the tropes of genre- This will probably be easy as you just have to follow the generic stereotypes of a specific genre for example if you choose horror then there must be a scary character in it.
A rite of passage- something people do in real life. This is one thing that I am thinking about using as the audience will be able to relate to the film and instead of thinking of something that is not realistic then I will think off something that people do day to day.
Subvert the audience's expectations- I think this will be tricky as when you say to your audience about the type of film it is they will want to watch it so changing it half way through will make it harder as they will not be happy. Some people don't want to be surprised so I don't think I will be using this idea.
A desire that you have that either comes true or is thwarted- I think that this will be good to use as it will make the audience want to watch it to see what happens in the end.
A historic event- This is one of the hardest ones and I will not be doing it as you need a big budget to make sure you make it look effective. Also you must make sure that the facts from the event are true otherwise it will not be correct and therefore will make it look unprofessional.
A sense of closure- The audience need to know that the questions are answered at the end otherwise it ends on a cliffhanger, which for a short film needs to be finished.
A tale with a twist- This was my favourite idea as it gives the audience something to be intrigued about without this they would get bored. I wanted to use this as it will surprise the audience and because it is a short film it will be useful to put in because they will not be expecting it.
Lastly Aristotle classical unities- this is normally used in Greek theatre- one place, one time, one action this means avoiding sub- plots. As it is a short film there is no point in making it complicated so following this rule will allow me make it simple yet effective.
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